2024 Black History Month Mixer at The Comfort Zone Cigar Lounge & Bistro

The Comfort Zone Cigar Lounge & Bistro

BHM Mixer

On Thursday, February 1, 2024, we kicked off our mission to collaborate, build, and grow as a community in this area. We had the pleasure of reconnecting with some, and meeting new individuals, the businesses that they represent, and their mission for 2024. We are looking forward to building with every one of you this year. Thank you to Our Sponsor’s:

Rich’s Residential and Home Care Options

Sonja G. Norris, DDS & Associates

The Comfort Zone Cigar Lounge & Bistro

BHM Mixer
BHM Mixer Pic 4
Pic of Dr. Laws-Barker & Commisioner  Myles Johnson
BHM mixer pic 5